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Messages - SpiceWare

General Discussion / Re: Retiring
11 Nov 2024, 05:41 AM
Just turned 58 and know where you're coming from as I've taken a step back myself.

I've tried a few small projects like Kaboom! Deluxe! and a PAL60 version of Gas Hog to get back into it, but it just hasn't happened.

That said, I am feeling the urge to make another attempt and get Draconian republished thru Champ Games. John and Nathan had approached me last year about it, but I was hesitant at the time as sales had dropped to 2 copies per month in 2022 so I didn't think it'd be worth the effort.
Emulators / Re: Stellerator
05 Oct 2024, 03:48 AM
Thanks! RL intruded, need to get back to this to finish it up.
Emulators / Re: Stellerator
11 Sep 2024, 05:33 AM
On the computer you can hit ENTER to toggle the game display to full-screen and back.  Figured out on a touch display you can toggle it full-screen by double-tapping the upper-left corner of the game image.

Emulators / Re: Stellerator
11 Sep 2024, 05:28 AM
Slightly better - the context menu no longer shows up, though the image can still be dragged around the screen.
Emulators / Re: Stellerator
10 Sep 2024, 04:01 AM
Made some headway during lunch on the touchscreens - added OnTouchStart and OnTouchEnd events to the Select and Reset buttons:

                <tr><td colspan=9><img src="images/artie_top.png"></td></tr>
                    <td><img src="images/artie_left.png"></td>
                    <td><img src="images/artie_power_on.png"            name="power"  title="Power"            alt="Power"            </td> <!-- onClick="DoPower()"-->
                    <td><img src="images/artie_tv_color.png"            name="tvtype" title="TV Type"          alt="TV Type"          onClick="ToggleTVType()"></td>
                    <td><img src="images/artie_ld_b.png"                name="left"   title="Left Difficulty"  alt="Left Difficulty"  onClick="ToggleLeftDifficulty()"></td>
                    <td><img src="images/artie_cart_in_draconian.png"   name="cart"></td>
                    <td><img src="images/artie_rd_b.png"                name="right"  title="Right Difficulty" alt="Right Difficulty" onClick="ToggleRightDifficulty()"></td>
                    <td><img src="images/artie_select_up.png"           name="select" title="Game Select"      alt="Game Select"      onMousedown="HoldSelect()" onMouseup="ReleaseSelect()"   onTouchStart="HoldSelect()" onTouchEnd="ReleaseSelect()"></td>
                    <td><img src="images/artie_reset_up.png"            name="reset"  title="Game Reset"       alt="Game Reset"       onMousedown="HoldReset()"  onMouseup="ReleaseResetUp()"  onTouchStart="HoldReset()"  onTouchEnd="ReleaseResetUp()"></td>
                    <td><img src="images/artie_right.png"></td>
                <tr><td colspan=9><img src="images/artie_bottom.png"></td></tr>

On multitouch displays like the iPad I can even hold down both Select and Reset to rapidly advance the game variation in games like Space Invaders.

Did run into one issue on my iPad - for longer single-touch holds Safari thinks you're trying to do something with the image and opens the context menu. When this occurs Stellerator thinks you're still holding down the button even after you've released it.  A quick tap on the same image causes it to be released.

I've encountered sites before that disable selection, such as when reading a review at the Video Game Critic, perhaps figuring out how that's done will fix this issue.

NOTE: I have not published this to my site, will do so after I try to fix the selection issue.

Emulators / Re: Stellerator
10 Sep 2024, 12:23 AM

Yeah JStella was pretty slick, it's a shame browsers stopped supporting applets.

I tried Stellerator in 2019 in my 2018 Model 3. The computer in that car was slower, the emulation ran about half speed, plus there was also no controller or audio support. It was playable though by using Stellerator's Touch Controls to generate joystick input.

Besides getting touch screens working for Select and Reset, I still need to figure out how to support the Power switch for Stellerator. On my JStella page I had it set so you could power down Artie, select a different game from a drop down control, then power up Artie to play it.  This would also swap out the game instructions that were below Artie on the JStella page, which I also need to add that to my Stellerator pages.
Emulators / Stellerator
09 Sep 2024, 10:35 AM
DirtyHairy has written an awesome online Atari emulator that I've been experimenting with for my site. Links for the 4 games I've setup so far:

Yep, Stellerator supports DPC+ and CDF games!

I can even play my games in my 2024 Model 3 at full speed, complete with controller support, though Tesla does need to do some work on the audio support as it's quite scratchy sounding compared to my computer - in the car I end up toggling the right difficulty switch to turn off the music in Stay Frosty 2.


Except for Power, the console switches on Artie the Atari are functional, though I need to do some research to figure out why Select and Reset don't work on touch screens like they do on the computer. My web page is using onClick events for the TV Type and Difficulty switches. For Select and Reset I'm using onMousedown and onMouseup events, so that those switches can be held in the down position to support auto-advance of game varation # and such. Touch screens probably trigger different events.

Here's the API documentation for Stellerator.

And here's the setup I'm currently using for my site:
Bug fix please!
Boulder Dash FREE DEMO! / Re: DEMO Reviews
13 Jun 2024, 01:16 AM
Quote from: guppy on 13 Jun 2024, 12:26 AMI stand corrected; thanks for setting me straight.  I thought I had read somewhere that it was running on unmodified Atari 2600. Since I'm playing it on Stella, I guess Stella somehow emulates the ARM processor, too, then?  How interesting!

You might find my blog post extra hardware! helpful. It covers how Atari cartridges evolved over time to improve the gaming experience. When it talks about DPC+ that also applies to CDFJ as CDFJ is basically an updated version of DPC+.
Boulder Dash FREE DEMO! / Re: DEMO Reviews
10 Jun 2024, 12:54 PM
I posted a short 2 word impression over at AtariAge, without creating a new thread ;) The link will hopefully drive some traffic your way.
Quote from: Adam on 09 Sep 2023, 07:27 AMDarrell has been a a wealth of knowledge and help during my years of Atari obsession. The games he's made are all a masterpiece of programming. I'd love to see him come to these forums.

Thanks! I'm here now.
Programming / Re: Higher than 60Hz on NTSC
23 May 2024, 05:32 AM
Had similar thoughts back in 2016 when I did a 128 pixel chronocolor demo while we were experimenting with bus stuffing.  I modified the demo to let you control the scanlines per frame via the joystick and was able to get a 77.82 Hz refresh rate on my C=1084S. It did help, though extra stuff did show up at the top of the screen.