Stress tests

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Andrew Davie

This is an extended rendering test with random generation from the (current) 12 spaceship pool of shapes. Emulator (Gopher) was running this mostly full-speed, although I can get extra real speed by a bit more finesse in the rendering code. It's still pretty impressive, though.  Of particular interest to me is that some of the objects (the "death star-like" object) get pretty much full screen and the system is coping well with this.


I just had the following idea: Tempest should perhaps also be possible with this technology. The focus (and the high-resolution graphics) is where the player is. If that were a possibility - I think a lot of people would be thrilled.

Andrew Davie


A few glitches, but here's the engine running 100 spaceships in iCC1 (highest resolution 160x192).  About 1 frame per 2.5 seconds (0.4 Hz).

This is a stress test of the 3d pipeline code - here, running 100 spaceships at about 1 frame every 2.5 seconds. Not great, not terrible. Each spaceship is about 12 faces, give or take. I still have a few dead-crashes when objects get offscreen; definitely time overflows. It's a tricky thing, but I'll fix them ventually.  Interestingly, my inital estimate of how long rendering "the sentinel" would take was about 4 seconds/frame, and judging by this speed, that effort seems just about bang-on.

Andrew Davie

This image shows 400 spaceships, which takes about 6 seconds to render. I push much further than this and I'm overtime in the overblank. I could, if required, do some rewrites to allow even more polygons (around 3500 actually drawn in this image)!