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Andrew Davie

This is not a competitor site to AtariAge. Feel free to use either or both - AtariAge has been a fantastic forum for decades for many homebrewers, and contains a wealth of information that is almost entirely community generated, and an immensely valuable public repository of information.

Some of us in the community have become uncomfortable continuing on AtariAge, now it is under the ownership of Atari. I have set up this forum as a safe place for those people to continue their sense of community without worrying about that side of things. Please make super-sure you understand the rules in the link bottom-right of the forum pages (the registration agreement). In particular, I provide this forum software for you to use, but you are responsible for the content that you post. If you post defamatory or any other type of infringing content... that's your legal problem, not mine. I cannot monitor all posts, so I rely on contributors following the rules. It's totally a good idea not to say bad stuff about other people/companies. If you must have a bitch, do it with accurate statements and opinions. I would absolutely prefer you not to use these forums to bitch and complain about Atari the company, or the AtariAge forums, but of course I also don't believe in censorship, so there's that. I would prefer to avoid politics and religion, also, so let's not have any of that negative rubbish here. Just games, programming, and technical stuff, OK?!

Within reasonable limits, you don't particularly have to be concerned about language or offending people who might have more delicate sensibilities than your own. Fuck them. If you are prone to taking offence at things you disagree with, best you find somewhere else to hang out. On the one hand, you most definitely do have a right to be offended at the content; go ahead, be my guest. On the other hand, if you're being an offensive asshole I'll show you the door.

Just be a decent human being and try to contribute to this community by helping others and sharing your joy/passion about the machine and games, whatever that may entail.  Remember, this is an international forum, and we almost certainly do not partake in the laws/customs of your country. Try to keep an international perspective on things and please remember you have no constitutional rights on this forum. None whatsoever!